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Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging are at the core of our purpose and serve as the North Star for the work that we do.

We are intentional in our centering of children, their families, and individuals at the intersection of race and disability. The disability community is the most diverse community in the world and conversations about disability inclusion and belonging that do not also consider intersectionality are at best incomplete. 

We specifically focus on Black, Indigenous, and Latinx communities with disabilities as these communities experience the greatest disparities for those with disabilities. The Intersection Collective is committed to amplifying, learning from, and valuing the lived experiences of children and families at the intersection of race and disability. 

We believe in the mantra, “Nothing about us without us!” We respect that the BIPOC disability community holds the ideas and solutions that will help close the education and opportunity gap that unjustly impact them. We will work alongside the BIPOC disability community and equity allies to achieve full acceptance, belonging, and access as equal participants in society.


Breaking Through the barriers

Too often structural barriers to access and inclusion are consequences of disregard. The intersection of ableism and structural racism has further skewed our understanding of the realities of people of color with disabilities. 

Organizations that are recruiting and hiring people with disabilities must also invest in cultivating a supportive, psychologically safe, and inclusive culture where diversity is valued and belonging can be experienced by all. 

Ball, Arnetha F. “Toward a Theory of Generative Change in Culturally and Linguistically Complex Classrooms.” American Educational Research Journal, vol. 46, no. 1, 2009, pp. 45–72., doi:10.3102/0002831208323277. 


Learning Journey to success

The Inclusive Leadership by Design platform provides individual assessments that will help you curate a customized learning journey recommending the modules and tools that will meet you where you are and help advance your inclusive leadership practice toward your stated outcomes and goals.

Learning Journeys in our library include but are not limited to:

1.  Self Assessment: Illuminating Blind Spots 

2.  Leading Through Critical Moments of Crisis

3.  Becoming a Strategic Thinker Around Disability & Intersectionality 

4.  The Hard Work of Empathy

5.  Functioning As a Community Organizer Within Your Sphere Of Influence 

6.  Cultivating A Team Culture of Inclusion

7.  Neurodiversity Inclusion In The Workplace