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Establishing a platform to advocate & empower
at the intersection of race & disability


Establishing a platform to advocate & empower
at the intersection of race & disability



To The Intersection Collective

An INTERSECTIONALITY thought leader.

Together, we’ll create a more inclusive world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Offering a professional development platform for organizational leaders and parents. Together we can achieve equality in education and the workforce for people at the intersection of race and disabilities.

Forging a more inclusive and accessible world by prioritizing the voices and experiences of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx communities with disabilities.

Explore Our Offerings

Special Education
community Advocacy Network™

We are cultivating a community of culturally responsive advocates and intervention service providers for referrals. We also offer a safe space for peer-to-peer coaching and support.

Inclusive Leadership
By Design™

We offer organization-wide coaching, e-learning journeys, assessments, consulting, keynotes, and team retreat design and execution.

it all starts with Partnership

Changing Outcomes Together

With expertise in equity advocacy, research, inclusive leadership, and social justice -The team’s extensive backgrounds and life’s work have been dedicated to the positive impact of children of the BIPOC community with disabilities.


Get Involved & Be The Change​

Standing with the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color disability community and our equity allies we strive to provide parents and leaders with the recourse to cultivate an environment of equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging for all but especially for those with intersectional identities.

“I am a neurodivergent mother of a Black child with learning differences. I know from personal experience the value, even the necessity, of a community of critical supporters and a network of allies acting as co-conspirators in my journey toward equitable access to life. ”

Erika L. Watson, Founder & CEO Intersection Collective

Access education

Resources & Learning at Your Fingertips

We invite you to join our Intersection Collective community, where we promote equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx communities with disabilities.

Together, we’re working towards closing the education and opportunity gaps that disproportionately affect these communities. Help us achieve full acceptance, belonging, and equitable access for all